
Modules are the building blocks of interactivity for ARitize experiences.

Target Syntax

Some modules will reference GameObjects in your prefab or in the scene. To access nested children, use / to access the Transform in the hierarchy like a path name.

There are also a couple special shortcuts:

  • [root] will select the prefab root
  • [user] will select the user’s camera
  • [UI] will represent the custom UI parent using the UI Module


TargetObjectOne is a direct child, so you can simply put TargetObjectOne.
TargetObjectTwo, however, would need ParentExample/TargetObjectTwo.
AnchorForAR would be selected with [root].

Camera Settings

Adjust camera settings for user’s camera


Near Clip Plane
Objects closer than this distance from camera will not be rendered.
Far Clip Plane
Objects farther than this distance from camera will not be rendered.
Allow HDR
Toggles high dynamic range rendering.


Control the Skybox and reflective source


Lighting Type

Determines type of skybox used

  • Sky Box - Use a skybox material.
  • Color - Use a flat color.
Skybox Material
Skybox material. Must be cube map. Only used if Lighting Type set to Sky Box.
Sky Box Intensity
Intensity of skybox light. Only used if Lighting Type set to Sky Box.
Lighting Color
Color of skybox when Lighting Type is set to Color. Only used if Lighting Type set to Color.


Have an object follow another object


Target Name (Target Syntax)
Object that Follower will follow
Follower Name (Target Syntax)
Object that will follow the Target
Follow Orientation

How moves when following

  • Flying - Able to fly up or down to match Target height.
  • Horizontal Only - Follow at a static height.
Follow Distance
Distance from Target at which Follower will stop moving.
Speed Mode

How Follower acceleration works

  • Constant - Move at a fixed speed.
  • Relative - Moves faster when farther from Target.
Follow Speed
How fast Follower moves. Only used if Speed Mode set to Constant.
How fast it accelerates to Follow Speed. Only used if Speed Mode set to Constant.
Follow Smooth Factor
How reactive the acceleration is to distance. Only used if Speed Mode set to Relative.



See the dedicated InputOutput page for information about this module.


Create informative multi-step interactive experience with animations


To create a label, select the GameObject you want labeled, then select NexTech>Create Learning Steps Label. After creating animations for each step, select them all and then go to NexTech>Create Learning Steps Animation Controller – this will automatically create the Animation Controller with the necessary transitions. Add an Animator component to the object that should be animated and add the new Animation Controller you just created.


Label Size parameter not yet implemented.


Animator Game Object (Target Syntax)
Object that has the Animator component

Array of steps to include. Steps have three components:

  • Description - Text to display at the bottom.
  • Active Labels (optional) - Array of label names that should be active during this step.
  • Audio Clip (optional) - Audio Clip to play when this step is triggered
Label Size
Size of the labels


Have an object look at another object.


Target Name (Target Syntax)
Object that will look at Look Target.
Look Target Name (Target Syntax)
Object to point towards.
Rotation Type

How the LookAt rotation will be limited.

  • Horizontal Only - Limited to the Y axis.
  • Vertical Only - Limited to the X axis.
  • Upright - Rotates along both the X and Y axis, but not the Z axis.
  • Free - Rotates along all three axis.


Create a portal that users can walk through


Portal should be a Quad and it is recommended you add a border/frame to the portal so that it’s easier to see


Portal (Target Syntax)
Object that will act as the portal between realms
Inside Portal Parent (Target Syntax)
Object that has all objects inside portal realm as children
Outside Portal Parent (Target Syntax)
Object that has all objects outside portal realm as children


Use Unity’s post processing stack in your experience


Not all effects play nice with the Portal module. Some effects will affect the camera feed in addition to the geometry.


Post Processing Profile that will be loaded

Quality Settings

Adjust Unity quality settings to be applied during this experience


Anti Aliasing
Set the anti aliasing setting using MSAA.
Pixel Light Count
Set the maximum number of pixel lights
Shadow Resolution
Choose which resolution to render shadows at. The higher the resolution, the greater the processing overhead.
Shadow Distance
Enter the maximum distance from the Camera at which shadows are visible.
Shadow Near Plane Offset
Enter the offset shadow near plane to account for large triangles being distorted by shadow pancaking.
Shadow Projection

Choose which method to use for projecting shadows from a directional light.

  • Close Fit - Renders higher resolution shadows but they can sometimes wobble slightly if the camera moves.
  • Stable Fit - Renders lower resolution shadows but they don’t wobble with camera movements.


Object constantly rotates at a fixed speed and direction


Target Name (Target Syntax)
Object that will rotate.
X Rotation Speed
Rotation speed along X axis.
Y Rotation Speed
Rotation speed along Y axis.
Z Rotation Speed
Rotation speed along Z axis.


Scale, rotate, and move an object


Target Name (Target Syntax)
Object that will be manipulated.
Can Scale
Toggles whether this object has scaling enabled.
Scale Range
Minimum and maximum scale.
Scale Speed
How fast it scales.
Can Rotate
Toggles whether this object has rotation enabled.
Rotation Type
Whether it rotates as if on a turn table or rotates freely.
Rotation Speed
How fast it rotates.
Can Move
Toggles whether this object can be moved.
Max Distance
How far the object can be moved from the user.


Use to create a custom UI for your experience


Use the UI Reference Button Input SubModule to make the UI interactive


UI Canvas (Target Syntax)

The canvas in your AnchorForAR prefab that will have its contents copied over to the app’s canvas


To match the settings of the app, set your Canvas Scaler to Scale With Screen Size, Reference Resolution 640x1136, Match Width Or Height, 0, Reference Pixels Per Unit 100


Stream a video from HLS url


Video Renderer (Target Syntax)
The object you want the video to play on (must have Renderer)
Url to the video (designed for HLS streams)
Whether or not video should loop
Auto Play
Whether or not video should start playing automatically